Attached are images of all my accessory options drawn to scale. I wanted to have a variety of different products, ranging from face masks to hats to bags. They are all individually line drawn to clearly represent each individual design. I wanted each design to be a viable one and so I took the time to precisely draw each design so that my decision on the final product. I then went on to draw the accessories on figures, to visualize how the accessories would sit and look on the body. With each fashion sketch, I drew the designs to scale on the body to make the final decision process easier. I then settled on the belt bag as that item would be the most utilitarian and fashionable.
Next are images of my booklet outline, I laid out where I wanted to placed my images and topics in a concise and direct manner. I outlined where the images would be placed as well as the titles and the topics I would touch upon in my booklet. Additionally, I created a nine page outline with horizontal double spreads.