For this assignment, I wanted to channel out of box creativity and thinking in order to engulf myself in nonconventional perception. In order to utilize an objectively perceived entity, which in this case was the popcorn, and arrange it in a manner where it became artwork, I sought to disassociate popcorn from what it truly was and instead perceive it as decor. By transforming the popcorns meaning and changing how I thought of it, I was able to use it as a prop in my photographs. In relation to the video, I understood the concept of artwork in context. In context, the popcorn in my pieces became helmets, hats or even architectural, decorative pieces. That is only due to the context the surroundings of the photo provides. In the video, the narrator speaks of how artworks can often be used out of context to make points or political statements and thus by harnessing my photographs background/main subject I completely changed the original functionality and meaning of popcorn. Selective perception allows the viewer to view the artwork as the artist meant it to be, without using outside knowledge, which in this case represents the popcorn as something it is not but rather what I wanted it to be.