My Electronic Learning Portfolio

Bridge 3 Multiple Perspectives

1. What role were you most comfortable performing in during collaboration? Idea generator, editor, relationship builder, taskmaster? (just suggestions, your…

Bridge 4 Reflection

  Throughout this collaboration, I was able to find a profound sense of partnership with unexpected individuals. I assumed the…

Shibori Dyeing

Shibori is a heavily historical Japanese technique of dyeing fabric which relies on the tying, manipulation and folding of fabric…

Natural Dyeing

The natural dye project was a long and arduous project riddled frustrations and miscommunications and yet, it was incredibly beneficial.…

Kintsugi Questions

Would you consider Gen Saratani's work of repairing broken ceramic a form of art? Explain. Yes, he creates and makes…

Popcorn Photography

For this assignment, I wanted to channel out of box creativity and thinking in order to engulf myself in nonconventional…
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