Year: 2023

Landscape Collage

October 19, 2023 This project was meant to pull our figure drawing practice into a more dynamic concept. Using our figure drawings, we were tasked to create a space, or landscape, in which the figure would be. In order to create a sense of depth, we would take from our previous modules, such as mark…Continue Reading Landscape Collage

Here & Now

October 12, 2023 For this project, we were asked to create “an experience” for our classmates in pairs. The assignment was pretty open-ended; we could have made an interactive activity, a performance, or a participatory event. My partner, Marina, and I chose to create an activity that would start with individual work, evolving into group…Continue Reading Here & Now

The Memory Notebook

September 20, 2023 This project was to create a multimedia art book that encapsulates the preservation of our personal memories based on photographs. More than just an album of pictures, though, we had to actively utilize the design process from start to finish, taking into account how we would want a potential audience to interact…Continue Reading The Memory Notebook

Immersive Senses

September 28, 2023 This project made us think about creating audio and mixing sounds to inform our audiences of a chosen environment: a “portrait of a place.” To practice recording sounds, we used a class day to practice with a Sony PCM-A10 recorder to capture sounds in New York within the radius of our building….Continue Reading Immersive Senses

Out of Time: Time on the Page

September 12, 2023 For this project, we were asked to design and illustrate a sequential piece of art that depicts an event or experience that shifted our life’s direction. I brainstormed my idea and composition in my sketchbook before starting on the final project. I thought of two ideas, both revolving around pets. One was…Continue Reading Out of Time: Time on the Page

Memory Meditation

September 6, 2023 On the topic of different kinds of memory, we were asked to guide a friend through a listening meditation on one component of our personal daily routines. First, in order to brainstorm and understand the nuances of our own memories and routines, we created memory maps which compiled key moments of our…Continue Reading Memory Meditation


August 29 & 31, 2023 During our first Drawing/Imaging class, we were introduced to this mark-making project. Essentially, we were assigned to experiment with different mediums, such as pencil, charcoal, and ink, by using different application techniques to explore how patterns, textures, and shapes, can be used in future visualization and development. There were three…Continue Reading Mark-Making

Shared Memory

August 30, 2023 In our first studio class of the year, we were asked to create a shared drawing with a peer depicting a vivid moment or memory from our first couple of weeks here in New York City at Parsons. My partner Angel and I both shared the same experience of being slightly anxious…Continue Reading Shared Memory