Category: Photographic Portraiture

Environmental Portrait

March 22, 2024 Make a portrait of someone in an environment that says something about that person.  It should be very different from a studio portrait. Canon EOS 6D [The first photo below is my final environmental portrait. The 4 portraits that follow were critiqued to be too documentary-esque for a portrait class, so I…Continue Reading Environmental Portrait

Group Portrait

April 19, 2024 Create a fictional group (family, team, band, workers, etc.) and make a portrait.  A group is three or more people.  Canon EOS 6D (most successful portrait) iso100, f4.5, 35mm, 1/30 iso100, f4.5, 24mm, 1/30 iso100, f4.5, 32mm, 1/30 iso100, f4.5, 40mm, 1/30…Continue Reading Group Portrait

Faceless Portraits

March 1, 2024 The face is not the only feature that identifies/defines a person.  Make a portrait of a person without showing their face, yet have them be recognizable. Canon EOS 6D F5, 1/320, 388mm, iso800 —- cropping should’ve been wider to see more of the green jacket. A name on the collar could’ve enhanced…Continue Reading Faceless Portraits


February 23, 2024 People’s gestures can reveal part of their personality. Using either available light or daylight, make a portrait emphasizing a gesture particular to them. The last two portraits I took aren’t fully gestures, as we discussed during crit that these were more action-driven rather than a habitual motion. ^ f4, 1/250, 47mm, iso100 ^…Continue Reading Gesture

Light & Mood

February 16, 2024 Make a natural-light-portrait of a person at two different times of day – at least 3 hours apart but it doesn’t have to be the same day.  Show how the light and portrait changes by the times of day. (Canon EOS 6D) ^50mm, f22, ⅛ shutter speed, iso100, 2:30PM ^105mm, f5, 1/80…Continue Reading Light & Mood