Dress Practice Log Reflection



















At first i thought that this practice log would actually impact the way i dressed. The reason i thought this was because i realized that i would now be aware of the fact that i HAD to record what i wore everyday. In the end, it was a very fun project to do and reflect upon our dress in ways i’ve never really done. In terms of “themes” i’d say the most dominant one was ‘weather’. Basically, all my outfits are heavily influenced by the weather, and the one thing all days have in common, apart from always wearing a choker, is that i thought heavily on how the climate would be. I also noticed my hair is up on most of the images, which is for comfort! i don’t like to have my air down constantly, so i always carry around a scrunchy on my wrist, which is also visible in the photos. Little things like that, that made me surprised! How they are so important to me, but i never really noticed before. In other words, small habits i have with they way i dress. Lastly, this log definitely impacted my understanding between the body and our clothes. Thats why i chose the photo of me in my pajamas to show to class. It proves that the less i care about what others will see / think, the happier i become, because the clothes that make me the most happy are the oldest pajamas in the world, and a big oversized robe. Yes, i’ve known this since ages, but seeing such contrasting images of myself in there two different forms of dress, just really reassured me when i am the happiest.

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