Bridge 5: Reflection / Moving Forward Project

Studio class for me was one of the few classes that allowed my creative thoughts to genuinely dig deep behind the meaning and purpose of it. I realized that most of my works consisted of me actually discovering the length and extension of my imagination, allowing me to discover more about what I plan on evoking as an designer and most importantly discovering more about how my own mind works, reflecting who I truly am, something i know is rare to have it clear. I find it interesting that the assignments that really made my mind boggle in such way were bridge 4 and bridge 2. Bridge 2 made me realize that we can indeed create anything from scratch. Any small thought and irrelevant idea can easily be developed into a beautiful concept. Creating a character was something i never considered as an artist, so carrying this out allowed my mind to branch out endless ideas to the point where it was extremely hard to narrow characteristic and aspects of the character down. Similarly, bridge 4 made me feel comfortable because I was given the opportunity to work with a subject I have great interest in. Science Fiction is an idea or theme that makes me question everything that us humans know, and that thought alone leaves me in awe. Nonetheless,creating this exhibition, model, blog and videos was a challenge to my creative process because I am one that creates without planning. I simply sit down, and begin to draw or create what I feel or whatever has taken over my mind. I go with the flow. In this case, we had to sit down, discuss, argue, deduce, and then create. We had to have a process. That was the challenge for me. But this challenge made my creativity expand and flow even deeper and really made me think of what we were trying to evoke with this idea of “we are an impossibility in an impossible world.” My mind is a giant question mark, and I love it.


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