Thesis and Annotated Bibliography


Thesis paragraph: 

How do we experience art? It mainly relates to the bodily senses. Our body is known to have 5 senses, smell, hear, taste, sight and touch. We can usually use all the senses to experience art. There are two ways, one is the basic senses that are in our body and another way, what it makes us feel, the thoughts that come upon seeing the piece, how our minds perceive it and how the perceiving of the piece reacts with our body. How does the piece create a reaction in our body, create a reaction in our minds. How our body feels about the piece creates a connection to the way our mind perceives the piece. When perceiving a piece of art, it is important to understand the relationship between the visual of the piece and the personal understanding that we have of it. The way we understand and perceive art is affected by many factors such as social, political, cultural, racial and a major one is the way you create art. 



Lehrer, Jonah. “How Does the Brain Perceive Art?” Wired, Conde Nast, 3 June 2017,


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