Write a brief proposal and outline (+ notes), including a materials list and a well thought out schedule, for Bridge 2: Our City Unveiled. Again, here’s what I posted last week for you to consider—perhaps your thoughts have changed since we spoke (and since you’ve gotten an actual place to research): Think about what materials you might use and why? What do you think you’ll make? How can you push yourself with this project? Will there be an apparent linear narrative (narrative arc/story) as you progress through the booklet? Non-linear? Why?
From all the research that I did, I learnt that there were protests that took place to build Confucius Plaza apartments. One of the core issues that arrises is discrimination towards the Chinese community in terms of employment, Asian Americans, more specifically, the major construction company would refuse to provide employment for them. This is something that is seen very commonly is many other areas too, where is there is discrimination towards race. During the protests many other ethnicities would join in as they are facing a very similar problem too. I wanted to focus on the aspect of discrimination of now and then, where at this moment there are a lot of discrimination against the Chinese community due to the Corona Virus now. When I went to visit Confucius Plaza the other day, I saw most people walking around wearing the surgical masks that cover their faces. Hence I wanted to go along those lines, where I was focus on how the discrimination against the community has still remained however it has changed into something completely different.
I wanted to do something with painting the streets of Confucius plaza using water color, to represent the protesting. I also wanted to incorporate some of the phrases that were using during the protest by laser cutting them. I want to show how the asian Americans have their own community and the richness of their community but at the same show what the reality is, where there is a lot discriminated due to the virus that goes on right now.