My partner Nitya and I are considering working on creating a campaign for the class. We were hoping the campaign to address the stigma of talking about mental health and spread awareness about the symptoms of mental health. This is something that is not talked about much, hence we thought it was be nice to highlight some of the important points about the different symptoms that people face.
Initially we were thinking of going with the idea of creating a video, however we realized that the execution process would be a lot and it would be really hard to present the video and ‘count’ or ‘understand’ the way that people react. Hence we decided to change our idea to make something that is more tangible, so we decided to think of making stickers. Stickers are something that can be given out, and put up anywhere. Since the area that that we stay in is more of a university area, hence we decided for our audience to be university students. We considered putting up the stickets in the UC, the Kerrey Hall building as that is where we both dorm, the parsons building, possible ask if we can give some to the Blick store. We also thought we could put some around on Washington Square Park, considering a lot of university students spend their time there.
We decided a couple things, we decided that we wanted our sticker to be a circle and thought of different sizes. Here is an image of the sizes that we thought would work.