Screening Notes

Powers of Ten:

The man and woman on the grass felt familiar and relatable, but awhile after the zooming out, the video became more and more peculiar and harder to understand. It was similar with the ’10 seconds’ video. The smaller or the larger the units got, the more it felt strange.

The audio of the man in the video tried to relate the extremely small and extremely large units to something we could understand easily.

The ‘seconds’ video shows and explains a really long time in a short way.

Psychology of Time:

Every person has a different orientation with time. They might be one of the following:

Present Focus | Future Focus | Past Focus

Pas De Deux:

The animation is very satisfying but at the same time confusing.

At first it feels like the paused shadow is copying the moving woman but then the same shadow would appear somewhere else and then the moving woman would run to it and make the same pose.

Only white and black color use enhance the final outcome of showing different time frames. If it were colored, the video would have been harder to follow.

History of Japan:

Is a very fast video and so, is hard to follow but at the same time no use of any complex names of the people of Japan and other countries makes it simpler. The guy explains that ‘a country’ did something not that ‘a person from a country’ did something, which again removes the need for using complex names. The use of colors also makes the viewers indulged into the video and the history of japan, which might be a boring and uninteresting topic for some people to read about. He also just completes this video in under 10 minutes and also adds humor and sounds at right times, which again makes topic seem interesting.

Scavengers: (Oh My God. It was amazing.)

It was bizarre at first. I mean what were these people doing taking stuff from one animal, lighting it on fire and using a liquid explosion to attract new animals from the water. It was like a chemistry class or an alchemy, which was amazing because they were doing it all from using animals. There were marks already on animals they were cutting up and they were also counting days, which shows that they have tried this before because they were stuck on this planet. The final scene where the girl breathes in a city full of people shows that maybe she does all of these thing just to go back to her home city again. Maybe they accepted the fact that they are stuck on the planet forever and there is only one way to back again and even that going back is not going to last forever.

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