Final Project: Website Sketches


map sketch  


Website Layout Sketch


The plan for my site was to make an interactive map for the subject to experience the location.  It was supposed to act more like an app than a website.

The user’s experience should be the following:

First Level: instruct subject where to be to experience my “Augmented Reality”


Second Level: interactive map



Original Map

My original map had to be modified because of HTML site writing issues.  I thought I could make an image map with “active” areas on the picture which would link the user to the videos I made for the class but I had to slice my map into five horizontal strips and link those images to the videos instead.  I’d like to explore more possibilities with HTML image maps but time didn’t allow me to resolve the image sizing issues I had when using my website on my phone.


map1 map2 map3 map4 map5

Revised Map

Third Level:



Two of my links would take you to this page, where you’d accept an incoming message from the futuristic girl character.  You could “accept” and jump down the page to a video, or “decline” and return to the map.



The remaining links would take the subject to this page, where they were supposed to line up their phone with the image on the screen and play the video clip 


Fourth and Final Level:

Final Project: Subway Video from Cameron Durham on Vimeo.


Transition of Astor Place from it’s current architecture to a futuristic concept piece

internet from Cameron Durham on Vimeo.


Brief message from the “future girl” talking about what the future is like






One thought on “Final Project: Website Sketches”

  1. Choose your favourite image from your device gallery or capture the real picture with your smartphone camera to create a drawing photo sketch & pencil sketch photo editor & set some stylish colour drawing effect and sparkle effect.
    When you make a beautiful pencil sketch of your image then you feel it’s the best photo sketch – convert photo to sketch app and sparkle effect in the world.

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