Sound and Vision and Reflective Writing

After completing the sound portrait of a space, my time class created a video to accompany our recorded sounds.  I chose the theme of nighttime videos of interesting lights and street scenes without people (mostly).  This peaceful and slightly dramatic subject would compliment the sounds I recorded to portray the University Center Library.  I carried my 5D Mark II and a low light 50/1.8 lens with me almost all the time, to capture little clips of video for the project.  After reviewing my footage, I realized I didn’t have the style of footage I needed so I filmed a few scenes outside my dorm room window of the apartments across the street and the nighttime skyline.  “Blade Runner” inspired my editing for parts of the video, I wanted to evoke the slow, methodical progression of the classic and use a saturated color palate.


Sound and Vision from Cameron Durham on Vimeo.


When the class viewed my video, they didn’t pick up on the minute details I edited into the video.  I obsessed over synchronizing my visuals with little patterns in my soundtrack but I didn’t make my edits apparent enough.  I learned to focus on the project as a whole rather than relying on little details to make the best impression.

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