Category Archives: Video

Ireland: Experience and Study Videos

Ireland – Part Two from Cameron Durham on Vimeo.

Ireland – Part One from Cameron Durham on Vimeo.

Land Scapes from Summer trip to southwestern part of Ireland. A study in texture and structure from sweeping to macro views of natural environments. Frames are based on stained glass window and Japanese triptych painting compositions. Three square multi channel sequences analyze wide angle and close up videos in alternating segments. Locations:
County Kerry: Slea Head, Killarney National Forest, Ladies View – County Limerick: Adare, Cappagh Castle Farm, Ballingary – County Clare: Cliffs of Moher

Sound and Vision and Reflective Writing

After completing the sound portrait of a space, my time class created a video to accompany our recorded sounds.  I chose the theme of nighttime videos of interesting lights and street scenes without people (mostly).  This peaceful and slightly dramatic subject would compliment the sounds I recorded to portray the University Center Library.  I carried my 5D Mark II and a low light 50/1.8 lens with me almost all the time, to capture little clips of video for the project.  After reviewing my footage, I realized I didn’t have the style of footage I needed so I filmed a few scenes outside my dorm room window of the apartments across the street and the nighttime skyline.  “Blade Runner” inspired my editing for parts of the video, I wanted to evoke the slow, methodical progression of the classic and use a saturated color palate.


Sound and Vision from Cameron Durham on Vimeo.


When the class viewed my video, they didn’t pick up on the minute details I edited into the video.  I obsessed over synchronizing my visuals with little patterns in my soundtrack but I didn’t make my edits apparent enough.  I learned to focus on the project as a whole rather than relying on little details to make the best impression.