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Double Portrait of an Artist: Yeon Jae Kim

i. Artist Statement: Yeon Jae

Yeon Jae Kim defines what an evolutionary artist is. He first approached art through painting. He appreciated it more than drawing or graphic design, although he excels at those, as well. He specifically likes painting using watercolor and acrylic. Yeon Jae is intrigued by scenes in the environment, in fact, his favorite post work is that of a scenery made using pen and watercolor. He gives credit to its intricacy for making it his most successful piece yet.

It was not until his senior year of high school that he truly discovered his love for art. Because of this, he did not pursue university immediately. Instead, he took two gap years to discover more about himself as an artist. He spent a lot of his time travelling along the East Coast to places like Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. It was these places that he sought to find his next scene to depict through his art. Through this time, he also discovered something much more about himself. Not only was he just interested in painting, but many other aspects of the art world around him. Therefore, it is safe to say that Yeon Jae’s gap years were his most important and defining years, so far. After successfully compiling a portfolio he applied to Parsons, where he will now spend his next four years.

This is just the beginning for Yeon Jae. Not only does he want to improve his fine art skills but he also wishes to explore more areas as an artist. This is especially the case with fashion. In his time at Parsons, he hopes to uncover and matriculate his other interests in art, like fashion. That is Yeon Jae Kim, in short, soon to be a famous American painter and possibly the next major fashion designer. It is uncertain to say the direction in which his art will go, for his artistic capacity cannot be placed into boundaries.

ii. Found Poem: Mechanical Feelings


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