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Strategies for Home Part 2

Strategies for Home Part 2

Across a bridge connecting Corlears Hook Park to East River Park in New York are two men seen performing bicycle tricks. These two men are what give this park meaning. Without them, the park would not truly be a park. Along the same line, a home is not merely a form of shelter. A home becomes a true home when you add value and meaning to it. A great example is that of Syrian refugees in Kills, Turkey. Kills houses, arguably, the nicest refugee camp in the world because of its orderly, well-maintained, and sophisticated qualities. There it is almost perfect; however, there is little to do in the camp. Rouba Bakri told a New York Times reporter she is happy in Kilis “but it is nothing like a home.” This person does not consider Kilis to be a home for them because there is no meaning in their life outside of the home. Furthermore, this prevents Bakri to give the temporary home meaning. One can construct a park but it does not become a park until there are people in it. This is because it is the people that give the park value and meaning. Overall, a park is not a park without people gamboling throughout it and a home is not a home until the people inside it give it meaning.

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