Posts Tagged "faculty"

James Fuerst Reviews a Book

James Fuerst Reviews a Book

Professor of Writing James Fuerst reviewed Rone Shavers's, Silverfish in the Brooklyn Rail.  Published October 2020 March 25, 2021
Liesl Schillinger Writes an Essay

Liesl Schillinger Writes an Essay

Journalism and Design professor Liesl Schillinger publishes an essay on Lithub. Having to do with the psychic fallout of constantly…

Alan Ruiz Edits a New Issue

Alan Ruiz, Visual Studies professor co-edited a new issue Movement Research Performance Journal Issue 54: "Spatial Practice," examining the ongoing legacy of…

Anjali Khosla Writes an Article

Anjali Khosla writes an article for Gossamer Magazine. Having to do with the British department store, Liberty London, putting a…

Rich Blint Writes an Essay

Literary studies professor Rich Blint, writes an essay for Believer. It recalls the places and times that surround New York…
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