TIME: Notes #1

Elmira Moskvina

Time: Metropolis

Mr. Aron Cohen

August 31st, 2016


In the book Lines A Brief History by Tim Ingold, author talks about different paths. The first path is created by a smooth lime (Corporal’s stick), which is easy to track; the second path follows the same direction, however, is cut in segments and appears as independent dots, not connected. This broken line makes to focus on the particularly isolated dots, not at the whole path in general. To make a connection between the chains, we have to join them up and get Corporal’s stick. There is a difference in lines, first was done by freedom of the hand, the second, followed by the specific instructions, and as soon as it connects the last dot, it stops and has nowhere to go. This whole idea of paths represents the concept of the way and the assembly, like traveling, mapping, seafaring, or wayfaring. It is more natural for humans and animals to walk by their path, however, in our lives right now we have to connect dots to fit the proper environment. The lines are everywhere around as and they represent our trails in life and nature. Wayfaring is the most fundamental method for the human being to move, as the author says. It might be produced by a machine or human itself. Also, it is interesting that the path from one dot to another is different.

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