Description of the Work

      In the 3rd project, I first decided to work on the romantic scene, due to the fact that I miss read the assignment. After I realized that I have to work in the transitional place from the previous project. The lobby where I shoot my final photo has a fascinating interior design, which reminded me of Japanese manage and comics, therefore I decided to make a manga out of my project. The lobby contained particular ceiling lamps, which I tried to cut in every image to get the proper setting. I changed the floor and removed the furniture in the lobby to fit the story about samurais better. I created a fighting scene of two samurais in the room which ended (spoiled) with the death of one of them. I started the work using Adobe Illustrator, however, decided to continue with hand drawing images after.


      From the first picture to the second I’m using Aspect to Aspect transition. From second to the third Subject to Subject transition. From the third to four Aspect to Aspect. From fourth to the fifth Action to Action. From the fifth to the sixth Subject to Subject. From sixth to seventh Subject to Subject. From seventh to eighth Subject to Subject.

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