Project 5: Sonic Portrait of a Space

In this project, I decided to depict the sound of the beach in Miami. I love the feeling of being there. I feel connected to nature, and it inspires me. I do like to play guitar on the beach with my family, so I put the sound of the guitar in my project. I starred recording the water sounds first. I poured some water in different containers and started to play with it. It took me a while to record a section which I liked. In the place, which I decided to recreate was a wind chime; I made a sound of it using glass straws. For waves, I used the sound of the water tap, for the wind I used my breath. I imitated the noise of seagulls; that was funny.
The beginning of my piece is calm, the middle is louder and represents the beach atmosphere, after, at some point, the storm starts. The sound becomes loud and noisy. This is the culmination and the end of the song.
I like the sound I recreated; it took me a lot of trials, but I am happy with the final result. The sounds give me the same feelings I wanted to present. My favorite part is the end.



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