FIFA Mobile Games 101

About the game:

FIFA mobile is an online phone or tablet game, which consist of a popular game football, but digital. It is similar to FIFA on PlayStation, however, has some different capabilities. It allows 1-7 players to play online at the same time.

Core mechanics:

Joystick to move player
Buttons (three different buttons in two modes, six buttons together)
Atack- pass, shoot, sprint/ skill move
Defense – Player change, tackle, acceleration

The core mechanics of FIFA is composed out of the way the player pass, shoot and tackles the ball using his fingers on the screen. In the case of passing, there are two important things, which are the direction and the power of the kick. In FIFA  , if the player is pressing at the ball fairly long, the kick becomes a canopy. The power depends on of how long the player was holding his finger on the screen. Passing can be done in any direction, 360 degrees.

There are several factors within the game, like the foot the in-game player shot from, the weather, body motion and angle.

Meaningful choices that mechanically makes:
There is a market in which player can buy and sell their digital players to improve the team.
There are Life Events after finishing which you get items from which you exchange players and again improve your team.

The goal of the game to score as many goals (more than the opponent). So how long have you taken to kick the ball or another button, affect the validity of the players and the fact if they can score the goal or not. Weak kick id was easier to catch for a goalkeeper. Hard one will be too much of energy and pass by.
Every game cost energy and every game gives you experience and gradually raise your level and open new tactics for the game. Energy unit restores every 10 minutes. On the ground level, there are eight energy units. A maximum number is 30 energy units. In the attack mode, there are ten different divisions. Playing the games, you earn fans, and move to the next division when you hit a reticular number of fans. Each month, depending on the division you are, you can get Items that can be exchanged for the players. The higher division you are, the better items you can get.

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