Final Game

For the final gaming assigned I chose a battle topic. Battles like in Naruto interest me a lot. The combination of justus and luck is very intense, and I want to have that idea behind my game. There are three different aspects in order to create jutsus, ability, chakra, and hand signs.  Those three combinations can form thousands of different jutsus. I am not sure, it I want to keep the hand signs, but I want to create a game with a “battle” and three cards in order to attack, which echoes three basic requirements for jutsu.

In the real battle, one of the most important things exes skill is luck. I wanted to create a game based on luck. However, I realized, that if I do so, the game would be boring and not interesting, since played can not influence the flow of the match. In the battle, you have to find a way to defeat your enemy using both, luck and skill (combination of cards.)

In the process of creating my game I was mainly influenced by poker, full, and very old Russian card game drunk. I found that there are so many different variations of games in the world of the card,, which echoes the idea of different combination os jutsus. There is also a division into five different categories, but the card has only four. However, I can create my cards for the game, and use regular ones to test the game.

Distribute nine cards to each player
Each turn players put three cards at the same time (for example, each one puts three cards face down, then turns over and see who won the round)
Combinations are counted as in poker, but from three cards
Every round two players take three cards from the deck
The game goes on until the desk is done, or id they reach n-number of points
For each combination, the player get points (only the one who won the round)

Combinations (from weak to strong):
Higher card (1 point)
One pair (3 points)
Straight (5 points)
Flush (6 points)
Troika (7 points)
Straight Flush (10 points)
Royal Flush (11 points)

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