Latvian Botanical Garden

Latvian Botanical Garden

Sacred Space Project

In this project, I wanted to create a sacred garden, which will be the perfect place for meditation and relaxation, as well as the contemplation. It will be a symbiosis of nature and ecclesiastical architecture. Created building is symmetrical and balanced. The ceiling is decorated with seven domes made out of glass, six small above each corner and the main colossal in the middle of the ceiling. The colors of the walls and furniture are calm blue, organic. All of the walls are painted with natural landscapes, creating the illusion of wildness. The floor is covered with green grass. In the middle of the building is a fountain with a glass. The sound of falling water is echoing in the building creating a calming effect. There are two floors, connected by staircase. The second floor serves as the hall of flowers. The outside of the building is green and blue, imitating the nature. It is surrounded by the balcony, which will expand into the awning, and is made of the glass. On the top of the roof is a solar panels, which will supply the electricity to the building.


Work in process, Inspiration, and Technical Drawings



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