All of this walkin’

Justin Sherrill (He/Him), BABFA: Philosophy/Architecture ’21
Twitter: @iustinsherrill
Research / Creative / Social Justice

Project Description
This project is a brief single that I hope to include on my next album. See it here.

What Form will your Final Project Take?

Who was supporting you in with work?
Those who are worth thanking know who they are

How has this project has been impactful or transformative — for you personally or for those this work has impacted:
This project feels like a continuation of a journey to synthesize my experience into a format that can create an impact on others. Really I just want to make music that people will listen to in their car with friends.


What would you do differently? How would you advise a student who is going to do something similar?
I would start with a plan, and be ready for the bits and pieces of the project to change while sticking with your original goal.

Are you going to publish or print your work?
I’m hoping to arrange a deal with a distributor so that this track and others can reach a larger audience.

Short summary
I didn’t realize how challenging of a process it is being your own songwriter. Prior to this, I was producing or myself and friends–but learning how to draw from lived experience is teaching me how to actually live!


This song is recorded on a guitar that my dad gifted me when I first started playing as a teenager.  I just installed a new pickup on it so that I can hopefully record this project with a memory of where I come from.

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