Pathologies of The Perfect | Jordan Fiordaliso | Screen Studies

Jordan Fiordaliso (she/her), BAFA: Screen Studies / Photography
@jordanfiord This is a photo of me in front of my final thesis exhibition for my photography degree, as well as beside my book Pathologies of The Perfect, which was also displayed within the thesis exhibition.

Project Description
Pathologies of The Perfect is a book of self-portraits that explores the relationship between self-surveillance, photography, and human embodiment. I focus on the formal qualities of my identity: shape, texture, shadow, and composition. The act of self-portraiture has allowed me to escape the inner critiques that have come from years of struggling with an eating disorder and body dysmorphia.

What Form will your Final Project Take?

Who was supporting you in with work?
Keisha Scarville, Part Time Faculty in Photo Department

How has this project has been impactful or transformative — for you personally or for those this work has impacted:
The complete version of this project feels like a manifesto. The entire process of creating this book, from photographing myself, to then editing the pages and sorting through my old journal entries- all of it has been therapeutic. I feel at peace with something that once was extremely chaotic, and I have had multiple people approach me and open up about their own struggles with eating disorders. My book seems to have inspired people to come forward with their own struggles, it is a reminder that you are not alone.

What would you do differently? How would you advise a student who is going to do something similar?
I would begin the publishing process sooner. My book was not able to be printed in the exact way I had wanted it because I had run out of time to finish it. The editing/printing process of a book takes way longer than I expected.

Are you going to publish or print your work? If so, where?
Hopefully, yes. Unsure where yet! I have a meeting with someone at Dashwood books.

Front cover of my book.Another spread of my book.

Short summary
Extremely rewarding. I followed through with my ideas from beginning to end.

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