Rachel Mark’s Art Studio | Marikit Mayeno Liberal Arts

Marikit Mayeno (she/her), Liberal Arts ’23
Unpaid Internship GrantThis is a photo of me in the Meudon forest in Paris, France. I really enjoyed exploring the city and I love leaves! This photo represents me because I've been making nature art specifically about leaves since I was a kid.

Project Description
I worked for Rachel Marks on her Philharmonie project which included the installation of the biggest indoor tree installation. To be exhibited inside the jazz hall for the 2024 Olympics. I contributed to the tree ring and bark-making for the monumental installation.

What Form will your Final Project Take?

Who was supporting you in with work?
The artist I worked for is also a faculty member at Parsons Paris.

How did you work with your mentor or faculty/staff/success advisors?
I worked alongside Rachel Marks in her studio and then at the Philharmonie. We contributed to the tree sculpture together and when she had meetings she would give me instructions on which part of the project to focus on.

How has this project has been impactful or transformative — for you personally or for those this work has impacted:
Being an artist assistant showed me the dedication it takes to be a professional artist and this was profound for me to witness. As well as the artistry I also learned the business behind art making. It was inspiring to witness how much work goes into making art and that has influenced me to work harder with my art.

What would you do differently? How would you advise a student who is going to do something similar?
I would advise a student to realistically look at their schedule and allocate a decent amount of time for all their activities. For instance, I think that it wasn’t necessary for me to do student government while I was taking a full course load and having the internship. So, my advice is to be realistic about what you can and cannot do!

Are you going to publish or print your work? If so, where?
Rachel Mark’s work will be at the Philharmonie

This is a photo of me working on Rachel Marks' tree ring for her Philharmonie project.

Short summary
I worked for Rachel Marks on her monumental tree installation in the Philharmonie jazz hall in Paris, France. I contributed to the installation and facilitated art workshops for students.

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