Independent Research & Creative Projects | Marikit Mayeno | Liberal Arts

Marikit Mayeno (she/her), Liberal Arts ’23
Independent Research and Creative Projects Grant

Title: Creative project

Description: I developed my art portfolio website this platform shows my works mainly from the past 5 years from sculpture to drawing including mixed medium pieces, digital art, and prints.

Outcomes: Website

Who was supporting you in your work? How did you work with them?Leah Weich. We checked in about my website and I showed her some of my most recent works with my printmaking!

How has this project has been impactful or transformative — for you personally or for those this work has impacted:
This project has been impactful and transformative because I’ve been able to capture and display my artwork which tells so much of my practice ab identity as a person and artist. In person and through linked In people have told me how beautiful my website is and that brings me a lot of joy.

What would you do differently? How would you advise a student who is going to do something similar?
Before applying for the grant make sure to do the research for your budget to ensure that you have everything covered!

Short summary
I had a lovely experience with my website project. I’m grateful for this support to develop my website.

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