Internship | Ella Neve | Journalism+Design

Ella Neve (she/her), Journalism+Design ’25
Unpaid Internship Grant

Company: Intersect Magazine

Type of work: Published written fashion content

Internship Description:
In my time at Intersect Magazine, I greatly advanced my journalism skills. I really wanted to learn more about fashion editorial and this internship allowed me the practice and creative freedom to explore how my writing style can fit in the fashion world.

Who was supporting you in your work? How did you work with them? Jenna Campolieta. Jenna helped to teach me so much in my time at this internship. Her seminar was truly one of the most helpful and relevant classes I’ve taken in my time at Lang. She was supportive, encouraging, and always there for me through any career struggle I was having.

How has this project has been impactful or transformative — for you personally or for those this work has impacted:
I could not have pursued this internship without the grant, this summer I am working another unpaid internship and I can safely say that without this grant I wouldn’t have the privilege to work another unpaid job. I am very grateful to the New School for giving me the opportunity to expand my network and deepen my understanding.

What would you do differently? How would you advise a student who is going to do something similar?
I would say that this should be more widely advertised as I think many students could benefit from a grant like this, especially in a place where living costs are so high.

Short summary
A fashion editorial internship publishing weekly opinion and summary pieces about trending topics within Gen Z culture.

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