Internship | Aleksandra Michalska

Aleksandra Michalska (she/her), Spring 2027

These were the drink tickets I cut out for our closing show- the tattoo show- in which I had my very minor curatorial debut haha and I felt so proud of the work I did!

Unpaid Internship Grant

Company: Harsh Collective

Type of work: Gallery Intern

Where did you find the internship? Social media.

Would you recommend it for other Lang students? Yes!

Internship Description:
I had the pleasure of working under Etta Harshaw at her gallery on Eldridge st, Harsh Collective. it was an amazing experience that has opened so many doors for me and taught me so much about the field I want to work in!

Who was supporting you in your work? How did you work with them? Jennifer Riegle was great with answering all of my questions and helping me through the logistics. She was great bc she was able and willing to answer all of my questions and make me feel like this was a tangible goal. She advocated for me and I really appreciate that!

How has this project been impactful or transformative — for you personally or for those this work has impacted:
I was able to have a big role in the June exhibition, “Flash” which featured 15 different tattoo artists and their work as well as live tattoos at the opening! My boss whose idea this was doesn’t have any tattoos but loves mine and wants to dabble in the art of it without fully committing, so I made an extensive list of artists and their social media handles and contact information and started talking to them. It was amazing when artists I admire wrote back to me and sent me their work!

What would you do differently? How would you advise a student who is going to do something similar?
It was really, really hard. I had a full course load plus 12 hours a week at the internship and a restaurant job two days a week. It was way too much and I burned out and really struggled with classes.

How is this experience connected to your academic work?
Well, it solidifies the path I want to study and continue and makes those goals feel more tangible!

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