Daria Harper – NEW INC Digital Content Fellow

NEW INC, a cultural incubator started by New Museum in 2014, is focused on “supporting innovation, collaboration, and entrepreneurship across art, design, and technology.” NEW INC accomplishes their mission each year by selecting a community of one hundred members who are working through new ideas and developing sustainable practices. I agree strongly with their notion that cultural value should be fostered more than capital value in art, design, and technology. My position at NEW INC was the Digital Content Fellow, and I was able to take on a lot of responsibility with social media and the NEW INC site.

I joined the team at NEW INC at a very busy time, which is the Open Call period. This is the time when we are accepting applications for new members and involves a great deal of programming and promotion. One of my primary tasks was the daily management of NEW INC’s social media accounts. I also made weekly newsletters for internal communication and events that the staff needed to be aware of. I frequently worked on design assets for NEW INC’s social media during the Open Call period and developed strategies to help increase our audience engagement.

I had an incredibly positive experience during my time working as a fellow at NEW INC. My supervisor/project manager was very attentive and aware of my long-term career goals starting on my first day. It was very helpful once he learned this because he offered helpful and relevant advice and resources, as well as giving me tasks that will benefit my career path. I found that the NEW INC community in general was such a wonderful group of people to be surrounded by and learn from. To work in a space with people of such diverse backgrounds creating such groundbreaking art and technology all the time was a beautiful experience. I definitely gained many helpful communication skills during my time at NEW INC, and I also feel more confident in my design choices.

A link to my supplemental materials:


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