The Healthcare Debate in the United States: Why Is It Not Accessible For All?

For my last semester at the New School I had the opportunity to intern in Washington DC. Originally, I was supposed to be interning with the State Department in the division entitled Bureau of Legislative Affairs, but due to the federal shutdown the program was canceled. I worked quickly to secure another internship and spent the semester interning with U.S. Congress. I am very grateful that I was able to work in U.S. Congress because it turned out be one of my favorite internships and was very rewarding. I was able to gain extensive amounts of information for my senior thesis which focused on the healthcare debate in the United States, in which I used various pieces of healthcare legislation to support my argument.

Overall the internship opportunity with the United States Congress has turned out to be a very rewarding experience. I was able to attend various meetings on behalf of the office, make great connections and work on various policy research projects. Even though the internship is coming to an end, I will miss working for the office that I am in now but excited to be joining another congressional office as a full time staff member. I believe everything happens for a reason and not only did this internship open the door for a full time career in U.S. Congress but the experience that I have had for the past four months was life changing and will be something I cherish forever.

Gabriella Wagner- Bachelor of Arts (Global Studies) Minor (Hispanic Studies)


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