Archive for February, 2017

UN Trip Reflection

The United Nation Trip was a rare opportunity. Students in The New School, taking Sustainability class gathered together listening to…
Packaging Typography

Packaging Typography

PROCESS Brainstorm + research 3. Draw Elements + Information Gathering Menu Draft-1tjww4e 4. Typography Experiment + Outline Template + First…

What I Love

What I love, passionate about, want to grow in my life I've always loved making people happy, simply just by…
Service Images

Service Images

Final Pieces (watercolour) (cut paper) (Marker) Concept: (Please keep your dogs leashed) Dog sitting on the ground with leash attached…
Urban Distillation (Clay)

Urban Distillation (Clay)

Research Architectural Styles Architecture styles 2. Thumbnails of inspirations - Existing NYC buildings 3. Chose a focus/ a style that…
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