Arduino – Inputs and Outputs


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Red Cables = + Electricity

Blue Cables = – Electricity

Orange Cables = Analog Input

Purple Cables = Digital Pins

1 Button

1 Photoresistor

1 Potentiometer

5 220 Ohm Resistors

3 LED’s

This prototype I created on Fritzing, is a exemplary circuit for a project which has 3 inputs and 3 outputs.

     From left to right, first input is the “photoresistor“, this small part is capable of reading the amount of light it is getting. When the light amount goes under 50 the blue LED lights up, which makes the blue LED an output. 

    Secondly, next to photoresistor we can see a “potentiometer“, which is a device where you can change the amount of resistance going through. So that the LED will have different brightnesses every time you turn the potentiometer. The potentiometer is the input and the green LED which changes brightness through the statue of potentiometer, makes the LED an output. 

    Last but not least, the third input is the “button“. By changing the state of the button, you can cut the electricity of the circuit or part of the circuit. In this example, I used button to cut down electricity for the third and last LED. If the button is pressed the LED will light up, if not pressed LED will be turned off. 

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