Artist Presentations and Write Up’s



Cat Stevens ;                                             

Cat Stevens : Yusuf Islam (Presentation)

Cat Stevens is a London, England based, folk music artist and also a painter. His actually interest in Folk music started where he went to college, Hammersmith School of Art. His first intention was to be a cartoonist, however, his interest in playing instruments and writing songs overcome his passion for drawing and painting. Stevens mostly made realist folk songs based on humanist aspects. His human oriented music has changed in the year of 1995, with his transition to Islam religion. The albums that he composed after that year, has mostly contributed in a spiritual aspect, and the technical religious point of view. His last eight albums are only based on the religion Islam. Overall his music was based on humanity and real life events. Such as the song Father and Son – it is about a dialogue between a kid and his father; Wild World – song about a romantic break-up.




Mevlana Rumi ; 

Rumi Presentation (Presentation)

Mevlana Celaleddi-i Rumi is a 13th century Persian poet, jurist, Islamic scholar and Sufi mystic. He wrote his poems in many languages, just by his presence in Ottoman Empire and Middle East, he influenced a lot of nation and ethnic divisions. He is also considered as most popular poet in US. Rumi was not just popular with his poems. He also played the reed flute and appreciated the traditional Sufi dance Sema “Whirling Dervishes”. Still the dance has been considered as one of the main traditions of Ottoman Empire and Republic of Turkey. The schools for Dervishes are still open. As Mevlana said, his heart and belief accepts everyone, he did not see any differences between religions he only believed that the God love was over everything. Over the years his thoughts affected the Sia Muslim’s in Turkey.








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