




  • (of a person) no longer close or affectionate to someone; alienated.

    Concept Statement : However, the communication is always limited.

    Why? : 

    The data that I was gathering for the lab class was based on the messages between me and my girlfriend. I analyzed the most used words, number of messages and peek messaging hours. When I started looking at them in an emotional way rather then analytical perspective, I realized that, love and communication are the main themes of this data. 

    Limited Communication? : 

    When we are messaging with someone, are we getting the full effect/efficiency of a communication? Nowadays messaging is lot more popular then calling, we can’t even hear the voices of the loved ones, because of the texting culture. So the communication is always limited. And will it ever be unlimited? who knows.


    From messages the most used words were “love – askim – sevgilim – baby” 2 Turkish and 2 English words. All representing relationship and love. 

    The Helmet: 


    The helmet will be made similar to 1920’s Turkish diving helmet, which used by the sea sponge harvesters. Bodrum used to be one of the famous cities for sponge harvesting in Turkey – it is also the place where my family has a summer house. It will be a representation of “Home”. At the same time the helmet having really small windows, it will be representing how badly we are jammed in the world of loss art of communication. 




LED Strip


Aim and Purpose of this project is to create an emotional environment by using a helmet. And create awareness on the limited communication – mechanized feelings and emotions. And the darkness of feeling communication being limited even while you are with the people that you call home. 

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