Project #2 Studio // Fall 2016. Work in Progress.

Work In Progress for Project #2

Inspirations – MoMa trip + Photos 

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For a second project, we were assigned to create a piece which contains elements of a broader system. Such as education, transportation, parks and recreation and many others. Transportation was my first choice of interest because I’ve been traveling to Vermont most of the weekends. It is a crucial part of my life, because I spend at least 6 hours on transportation everyday.

First Idea – Sculpture of Transportation

As my first idea, I was planning on examining the transportation paths I go through every weekend. Starting with walking and ending with a car ride. One way ride to Vermont takes around 3-4 hours. Walking – Subway – Amtrak – Drive, I was thinking about using wood and visualizing my journey with sketches that I developed as my own style. However, this project did not seem like a strong concept, I felt like I will not be able to bond with the audience.

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Second Idea – Tell me a Story

My second idea was based on transportation again. However, this time instead of examining the act of transportation with just visuals, I thought about adding sound and lights to my project, and direct myself to Vermont with a narrative which us vocalized by me and my girlfriend. I was planning on having 13 sketches (7 half paper size and 6 full paper size). Sketches of the visuals I see while I’m traveling from a POV. Locations and movements I considered were – Kerrey Hall Dorms – Union Square – NQR UPTOWN train sign – Penn Station – Penn Station Train Board – ALBANY TRAIN SIGN – Girlfriend in station – Drive route to Vermont – Driving – Map Visuals – Driving – Her house. In the narrative I was planning on vocalizing it till I meet up with my girlfriend, and I was expecting to hear the rest of the direction from her, like it happened when we were together in Vermont for the very first time.

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Third Idea – Subway Thoughts 

Second project seemed intense and hard to build. However, the concept is still strongly in my mind for a future assignment. In my third idea I stripped down my transportation to only one transportation vehicle I use. Subway. I chose subway because, the art inside the subway cars has always amazed me and made me jealous. So I started thinking about what are my subway thought? what is my morning poem for new york city? I was planning on visualizing multiple subway cars designed according to my dreams. However, I realized that the area where i store my dreams are not inside a subway car. Here are some sketches I did in my own style.

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Final Idea – (couldn’t find a name yet)

As a final idea, I decided change the system I am working on, I am thinking on. Transportation is wonderful and can be analyzed really deeply. I wanted to focus on the “system of living”. Actually, I got really inspired by the system of living. I want to build a sculpture, based on my dreams. A complex rising shape made out of multiple separate rooms, with separate feelings, ideas and future.

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