Aural History Isolator (Sound Matters 2017)


In this project you will propose a non-electronic object that heightens the awareness of your sound memory (the one you wrote about in the Aural History Memory discussion).

While this is a speculative (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. device, you should consider to some degree the feasibility of your proposal. For example, is it likely, given the nature of the materials you describe, that your idea can work? Why do you think it might work?

Aural Memory ;

When I look back to my childhood and focus on my aural memory, I can think of one distinctive sound which has always been a constant in my life. The sound of hollow steel pipes hitting each other. When I hear two pipes hit each other, the high pitch, loud noise starts echoing inside my brain, like it does in a factory with full of machines and steel goods. The range of the sound differs depending on the length and wall thickness of the pipes. The quality of the sound also allows you to imagine the speed of vibration that is happening in a really short period of time. This sound doesn’t only make my ears ring but also brings a metallic-industrial smell next to it. In addition to that, this sound helps me remember some moments and memories with distinct family members. The “Tinnnnnnnnn” noise that occurs right after the clashing of steel will always be an unforgettable noise for me.

Aural History Isolator ; 

AuralIsolator1-22rx23s (pdf can be accessed through this link)


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