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My name is Emre Sardogan. I was born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey. My father side has moved to Turkey around 200 years ago from east of Iran, to a place called Erzincan which is located in the east side of Turkey. In addition my mom’s dad is half Georgian and half Turkish – pretty international family actually. Since I went to an International school in Istanbul, English has become my second language in addition to that I learned German too, which was offered as the third language in my High School. I decided to be in New York, for many reasons and one of them is Spider-Man.


As a design student, I am looking forward to contribute in to UI/UX design; also social networking has always been one of my major interests. I also want to do fine arts by using technology. In addition to all, I want to be an astronaut, a poet and a TV personality. Long way to go!