Washington Sq. Observation Reflection

Sound As Research Reflection

Sound as a research was a mixed media project, which was based on our observations in a public space. Such as; NYPL, Washington Square Park, Times Square and etc. As my observational place I chose Washington Square Park. I started this 3 week journey with visiting the park two times for two hours and doing observations and taking notes. After the week of observations, second step of the project was to create a visual piece. I based my visual piece on an old game which I used to love to play with my brother, which is called chain game. Throughout the process of observations and visual explanations, I started to dig in to space I specified deeper and deeper. For the first part of the last step, we had to create a sound piece, which reflects our spaces. I did my sound piece over the movement I made and feelings I felt during my literal walking journey from my dorm to park. And I tried to support my audio piece with the videos I recorded while I was in the park. Last part of the project was to present this 3 week observational documentation. I divided my presentation in 3 parts; observations, visual, audio/video. And ended up my presentation with the real feelings that I felt when I was at the park. In my opinion significant feelings that I had during my observations effected my presentation in a positive way.

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