Integrative Seminar 2: Research

Integrative Seminar 2: Research Post

Theme: Body Politics/ Politics of body


Chosen Topic : 

Gender role

Main Research questions:

Why do stereotypical gender roles still exist in Korea particularly for the elderly?

Working thesis statement:

Gender role issue is existing in most of the countries, and especially many people are suffering and protesting in South Korea which had been in Confucianism culture for a long time. It does not seem evident and exterior, but it keeps on emerge as a problem of discrimination.

Refined Thesis Statement:

In South Korea, the stereotypical gender roles which had been established by Confucianism culture still forces women to satisfy certain behavior. Women are pushed into sex discrimination and it makes a severe barrier between men and women. Destruction of convention and proper education on equality of sex would help to discontinue the stereotypical gender role.





More familiar to less familiar:


Simple to complex:


The “More familiar to less familiar” arrangement will work well for my research paper. It depends on the criteria which I set, but the “simple to complex” method is tricky to make the flow of the ideas clearly. Some keywords should be described in the first part (like Confucianism), but that might go to the middle if I use “simple to complex) arrangement. Also, as we are writing the research paper, “more familiar to less familiar” arrangement would be more noticeable to stress the theme for me.



Hunch responses to my research question:

  • What I already know? The stereotypical gender role is still existing in many countries, and I have been witnessed it in the surrounding. There is particular notion that people, especially older people think a woman should act in some way and man should act in some way.
  • What I believe? I assume that these thoughts were not formed suddenly but through an extended period, influenced by the Confucian culture.
  • What emotions do I feel about this question? As I am a woman and had experience of it, I feel upset, curious and interesting.
  • What am I unsure about? I don’t know exactly about how young people react to it or thinking about this issue. Also, I need to explore more about the specific case about unfairness or discrimination due to gender role.




Accredited online sources:

(1) Mailonline, Abigail Beall For. “Gender stereotypes are holding strong: Beliefs about the roles of men and women are ‘as firmly held now as they were in 1980′” Daily Mail Online. March 09, 2016.

(2) Sidell, Misty White. “The Birth of Unisex Couture: Rad Hourani.” The Daily Beast. January 24, 2013.

Other sources:

Book sources:

(1) Ekins, Richard, and Dave King. Blending genders: social aspects of cross-dressing and sex-changing. London: Routledge, 2002.

(2) Eagly, Alice Hendrickson. Sex differences in social behavior: a social-role interpretation. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1987.

Scholarly sources:  

Blackstone, Amy M. “Gender roles and society.” (2003): 335.

Loo, Robert, and Karran Thorpe. “Attitudes toward women’s roles in society: A replication after 20 years.” Sex Roles 39.11-12 (1998): 903-912.


Others  (Don’t know how to make a bibliography)




























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