My initial idea (after getting the parameters: change, genetics, machine, and worry) was a drilling drone of sorts that would be used in a dystopic future. It would be utilized by the upper class to harvest advantageous genes/DNA found in members of a lower class, who live in a slums separated from the higher ups. With this concept in mind, I decided to make the drone seem more insectoid, given it’s similarities to a mosquito.
The Aedes (mosquito in Latin) drone was originally manufactured by a relatively small robotics company, Edtech, in 2050 to be the ultimate multi purpose drone. It was completely silent, aqueous, virtually indestructable, and had a 360 camera with several modes. It featured a multifuctional probe, capable of injecting and withdrawing liquid of any pH level. Its zero propeller “propulsion ring” was revolutionary in the world of aeronautics, other companies quickly trying but failing to replicate it. The drone also came in various sizes. Law enforcement agencies took extreme interest in the drone, commissioning a taserlike probe to be shipped along with it. The US military wanted to arm the drones. Quickly, Edtech grew into a Fortune 500 company, dominating the drone industry for years.
25 years pass, and the Aedes drone has mostly become obselete. The America’s have become a massive utopia occupied by the top 10%, where the rest of the world populates a disease and poverty ridden planet. The upper class are interested in gene manipulation (before birth) and certain genes aren’t always readily available. Therefore, they now utilize this drone to go into the slums and siphon blood of those who contain the genes required. This is done by either sending the drones in swarms or sending them individually, both optionsa relatively effective. Those living in the slums have grown to hate the “mosquitoes”, often coming up with makeshift weapons to destroy them.