Final project

This final was a collaboration with 3 of my classmates. Our task was join together to create a human retaining or barricading wall. We had to create a garment for each person in the group that some how combine together to create a seamless whole. We then had to dress up and pick a location in NYC to protest in.

Before we chose a protest, we had to choose a topic and conduct research on all the different types of protest done on that topic. We chose to research animal rights. After we narrowed it down to the bull fighting protest.

Here is our power point presentation of all the different protest on animal rights- Protest on Animal Rights

Here is a link to our presentation for the final project-

Process pictures:


Putting plaster strips on my face.


Allowing it to dry.


Made the nose of the horn with cardboard and foam. I carved the nostrils into the foam and then covered everything with plaster.


I used plastic bottles for the horns covered in plaster, while other people in my group used paper. I thought using crushed bottles were faster and would have a better structure than paper.


Next we used hot glue to put the horns on the mask and then covered it in more plaster.


We chose to use left over wire from our first project to attach the mask to our face.


Creating the Humans costume. In this picture we were painting red on the garment to recreate blood from the stabbing of the spear.


Sewing the spears.

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