I genuinely enjoyed the Long Black Hair sound-walk by Janet Cardiff. It was a great example of how high quality sound can be used in order to engage the listener. Whether or not some of the in-between stories made sense to me when I was actually walking throughout the park, something about the sound and the way it was recorded was so intriguing and motivating to keep listening. Going in to this sound walk, I don’t think I expected it to be such an interesting experience. The way that she used 360 degree sound and different layering of sound over each other was something that made it so dynamic. I kept taking off my headphones because the sound based on my surroundings were so believable. It was not only believable but also a really emotional experience. Whether it was the narratives she told about the park, specifically the zoo, or the people she supposedly encountered in the park who told her a personal story. It was kind of crazy, when it started talking about the woman with the long black hair, there was literally a woman with black hair walking by. It was almost eire just how in sync it was with the audio. Knowing that it was recorded more than ten years ago and it still had the same effect of being so true to life was even crazier to me. Overall it was a really enjoyable experience being guided around the park by someone who knew it so well.

Sound walk Reflection – Julie

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