STEP 1: Map, Cut, and Coordinate
Working in process 1 : First Try Working in process 2: Second Try
I started off the first step with sketching fennel in different angles, as a whole, cut longitudinally and transversely. The first works turned out to have too much of details and shadows, which was perhaps due to focus on the 3 dimensional aspects. However, this seemed somewhat unsuccessful since it does not draw attention into its outlying compositions. In fact, diagrams in 2-dimensions would show the inner structures of a fennel. So I focused more on 2-dimensional aspects of fennel on the second try. As a result, the figures were drawn in more of line and point components.
Step 2 comprises of underlying geometric mechanisms. The components of it are lines, points, and shape. The lines I took from fennel are mostly curvilinear lines, which start off from points of contact of the straight lines. Viewed transversely, the diagram was drawn as a perfect circle placed in a square. Cut longitudinally, fennel could be drawn as a geometric figure of straight lines layered to form a whole shape.
The approach I took to analyze the color components of fennel was to show the variety by using different compositions of diverse materials. Those I used to simply define the colors composing the fennel were paints. It seemed like fennel has colors that are rooted in a few basic colors, such as green and yellow. Another method I used was collage of cropped magazine papers. I searched for magazine pages where present the colors that resemble those of fennel. I aligned them together, and tried to place them in a temperate arrangement.
In this step, methods were used to construct the figures with different structures. I approach to it by using methods including paper folding (origami), paper cutting, rolling, and crumpling. The main challenge in doing so was that all of the structures should be sturdy and stable. Most of the models I tried out were either not firm enough or large enough to balance with a fennel in them.
Vessel construct Model 1
This model is structured in resemblance to the compositions of a fennel. It is built in a structure where there is a whole artifact which is created by paper folding, having it penetrated in two sides facing each other. The methods used in building the structure are folding and rolling of paper. With several straw-like paper structures stacked together in the middle, the fennel could be lifted off the bottom and be balanced.
Vessel construct Model 2 -Final look
This model is a double-layered structure. In order to support the pressure of a fennel, it needed to be firm enough. I folded the central structure as a spreading-out shape, with its edges blocked so that it can maintain its composure when the figure is placed in it. To balance the structure when it is standing, I created a supporting structure. Starting from the octagonal star figure, the whole structure spreads out with a fennel as a center. It is more like a bowl-shape, containing the fennel in the middle.