Learning Portfolio Post #5
My view on fashion right now is different from what I had before.
As continuously facing the concept of fashion mostly as a way of expression and a way of self-identification, I think people gradually lose sense of fashion as an initial need.
I, as a fashion major student as well, often have had thoughts about garments and fashion as a part of art and more in terms of materialistic needs rather than supplies.
One of the class readings that widen my view on fashion was the introduction in Fashion and Everyday Life written by Clark and Buckley. I felt like the reading was telling the public how all of us are ignoring the most essential part of fashion. Even in briefly introducing, they write remarkable sentences such as “We propose in this book that fashion is an (increasingly) integral part of everyday life in the long twentieth century. Fashion had an impact on the everyday lives of more people as the century progressed, through improved buying power, greater availability, increased knowledge and the lower prices of goods, particularly those that clothed the human body”. I agree that we focus on so many other things than a protection, a survival, and a comfort part of fashion, that we never stop to question the reason behind our tendency to favor things that are expensive and things that are fancy. I think the most major part in fashion that should be always reminded for people is how the fashion has changed since back in the time, and why there is such a need for us to sometimes slow down our pace in materialistic progression in fashion.