© 2014 flakd285

Reflection in water consumption

For this project we could develop any installation we wanted, as long as it was interacting with the space in which it was installed.

I started researching about themes that interested me, as I wanted my installation to reflect a global problem and instigated the public proposing change.

I decided to make an installation about the lack of water and yet, the abundance of drinkable water in the U.S.

I chose the drinking fountain as my site and blocked the space with plexi-glass in order for the water not to be accessible. I also sculpted the form of a kid trying to reach for the water inside the fountain. Whenever someone pressed the button of the fountain, the water would reach the hand of the kid. In the plexi-glass wall I wrote “Have you even been denied the right to drink water?”.

My wanted the piece to cause a reflection on how easily we have access to water in the U.S., highlight the fact that there are a lot of communities in the world without access to water, and also show the spectator its power to change this situation (the metaphor was the power of the spectator to reach the button of the fountain and “give” whiter to the kid sculpted).

Reflection in water consumption

Reflection in water consumption

This was my final project in my first semester Space and Materiality class.

One Comment

  1. Arslan Ali
    Posted January 30, 2024 at 7:45 am | #

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