Nude drawings

Nude drawings

Drawing and Imaging, fall 2013. Materials: watercolor and Chinese ink


Figure drawings

Figure drawings

Nudes from Drawing and Imagind first semester class. Material used: crayons


Nude models

Nude models

Model drawings from Drawing and Imaging first semester class 


Space and Materiality: Linear materials

Space and Materiality: Linear materials

This introductory project was about using linear materials create a shape that would be connected to one part of the body. The project started out …


Motion picture: final piece

Motion picture: final piece  


Nude drawings

Nude drawings

Those are some studies I made with charcoal and watercolor last year


“Have you ever been denied the right to drink water?”

“Have you ever been denied the right to drink water?”


Motion Picture

Motion Picture

I worked with photography and digital media to create this project for my freshman year “Time” class. We had to simulate what we would do …


Latex Dress

Latex Dress

This dress was designed to be modern yet have a retro style. I used modern materials such as latex molded into a gesso shape and …


Poetry Painting

Poetry Painting

This Paiting project was about building a visual image that included a poem that would somehow talk with the imagery. I decided to make a …

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