Learning Portfolio Post #3


Man placed in the center of the image emphasizing power as he is standing and the women are seated, looking up to him as he looks down to them. Image shows able-bodied humans who meet the status quo of western beauty standards at the time (white, slim etc.) This image could suggest that at the time this image was created, it was thought that perhaps what this image represents is what consumers wanted. They wanted to be attractive, powerful and desirable just like the man in the photo. Notice how this advertisement is geared to cis straight white men with the title “Ladies Choice”, this highlights that the creators of this clothing company want a certain group to be wearing their clothing, making themselves seem more exclusive and closed-off to other groups of people. You can see in the models stance that he is distinguishable from everyone else in the image as he himself is the main focus, and so are his pants (which is the main advertisement). The women in the advertisement almost seem to be nothing but an embellishment, their presence is purely ornamental. This goes to show that they  aren’t taken as seriously as the man is in the photo because they are portrayed as someone less dominant.  Their expressions and gestures show sexuality and that their main focus is to impress one another with their desirable traits (clothing, appearance, body etc.). I believe that the main idea that the creators of this advertisement were trying to achieve is how their clothing can attract a certain group of people (ie. straight white women) and make one who is wearing their clothing seem more powerful and desirable in their body. The way the image is shot from a straight on angle, entering on one person also accentuates the tone of superiority in all forms on the main subject (wealth, sex, gender, clothing, race etc.).

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