Creative Technical Studio: Pants

For our final project, our group is making a collection of pants of the 1950s. The theme of our group is different shades of gray with metallic decorations and lace.



Muslin Pants:


Final Pants:



Our Group Hangtag:


Our Group’s Final Outcome:



First of all, there’s no word I can use to describe how lucky I feel to be in this class, with an amazing professor and a bunch of cute friends. I had a lot of fun in this class and learned a lot. The only thing I don’t like is that this class is way to early for me to wake up in the morning. Just kidding.

My favorite project would be the pants project we did as a group. I think this project really gave me a taste of working in the industry and creating a collection with colleagues. I learned to catch the element that makes our pants a collection, to communicate about the fabric choice, accessories, photoshoot and to put them all together and present it to other people at the end. I really want to learn more about how it actually work in the real fashion world and be prepared for it.

There are other things that I learned in this class that can be useful for my career in the future. There are small tricks that I learned during the critic from other people such as how to deal with shredding fabrics, how to pick fabric stores to get the cheapest fabric, different ways of finishing and so on. Comparing to a lot of my friends who takes other classes, I feel I learned more.

I think this class has prepared my for my next year’s curriculum and my future, and I will always keep these knowledge in my mind.

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