Time Final Project

For this project, we were assigned to create anything we wanted relating to time. I wanted to specifically focus on the time that we don’t really remember. There are many things that people do every day multiple times a day, however, they aren’t able to tell you how many times they did it or for how long. I knew that I wanted to experiment with film again so I decided to make a video compilation of hands doing things that people do every day. The video focused heavily on sounds and extremely small acts that take little time. My goal for this video was for people to watch it and make sure they pay attention to the little things in life. Personally, time is an extremely sensitive topic. I’m very anxious when I think about time because I want to be able to do everything I want in life before it’s over. I want to notice and remember the little things that occur in my daily routine.

The movie poster is for the short film that is linked here:


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